
This package uses your API's namespace and by-resource configuration settings to automatically detect the fully-qualified name of your JSON API classes. This is described in the API configuration chapter.

We work out the fully qualified name using a resolver. The strings that the resolver returns are then checked for whether either the class exists or whether there is a binding in the service container for the given name.

The resolver is also used when using the package's generators, as we ask the resolver for the fully qualified namespace of the class that we are generating.

Our default implementation will work for the majority of applications. However we do recognise that developers may prefer a different namespacing pattern than our implementation. This chapter therefore describes how to replace our implementation with your own.

Writing a Resolver

A resolver is a class that implements our CloudCreativity\LaravelJsonApi\Contracts\Resolver\ResolverInterface. To help you write your own implementation we also provide an abstract class that you can extend. We recommend extending the abstract resolver.

In this example, we will use an application that has decided to organiser its namespaces in modules. It may have a User module that had the following structure:

- app/Modules
  - User
    - Models
      - User.php
    - Web
      - Controllers
        - ...
      - Requests
        - ...
  - Post

In such a structure, we may want to store our JSON API classes in each module, under an Api namespace. For example:

- app/Modules
  - User
    - Api
      - Adapter.php
      - Schema.php
      - ...

The following resolver would implement this strategy:


namespace App\Modules;

use CloudCreativity\LaravelJsonApi\Resolver\AbstractResolver;

class ModuleResolver extends AbstractResolver

     * @param string $unit
     * @param $resourceType
     * @return string
    protected function resolve($unit, $resourceType)
        $module = ucfirst(str_singular($resourceType));

        return "App\\Modules\\{$module}\\Api\\{$unit}";


The resolve method receive the unit type that it is resolving and the JSON API resource type name. The unit type can be:

  • Adapter
  • Authorizer
  • Schema
  • Validators

The above implementation would therefore return App\Modules\User\Api\Adapter when the unit is Adapter and the resource type is users.

When returning a string from the resolve method you do not need to test whether it exists. The purpose of the method is to return the expected class name or container binding name.

Although resolvers can return container binding names rather than class names, this will mean the generators will not work.

Using Resolvers

Without a Factory

If you do not need to access any configuration for your API when creating your resolver, you can use your resolver by adding its fully qualified class name (or a container binding name) to your API's resolver configuration setting.

For example:

// config/json-api-v1.php

return [
    'resolver' => \App\Modules\ModuleResolver::class,

    // ...

Via a Factory

If you need access to your API's configuration when creating a resolver, or if you need to calculate any resolver settings, you can create the resolver via a factory. For example, if you have extended our abstract resolver you will need to provide the resources value from the config when constructing your resolver.

The factory is an invokable class that receives the API name and the API's config. For the above example, our factory would be:

namespace App\Modules;

class CreateModuleResolver

    public function __invoke($apiName, array $config)
        return new ModuleResolver($config['resources']);

Resolver factories are constructed via the service container so you can use constructor injection for any dependencies.

Then all we would need to do is change the resolver value in our API's configuration so that it uses our factory:

// config/json-api-v1.php

return [
    'resolver' => \App\Modules\CreateModuleResolver::class,

    // ...


It is worth noting that controller names are not detected via the resolver. This is because Laravel routing uses the namespace route group option, and all JSON API routes are implemented using route groups. More details on group namespaces can be found in the Laravel routing documentation.

For our example above, our routing might look like this:

// routes/api.php
// Assumes the namespace in our RouteServiceProvider is `App\Modules`.

JsonApi::register('default', [], function ($api) {
    Route::namespace('User\Api\Controllers')->group(function () use ($api) {
        // App\Modules\User\Api\Controllers\UserController
        $api->resource('users', ['controller' => true]);

    Route::namespace('Posts\Api\Controllers')->group(function () use ($api) {
        // App\Modules\Posts\Api\Controllers\PostCommentsController
        $api->resource('comments', ['controller' => 'PostCommentsController']);

Remember that if no controller is specified, the package's JsonApiController will be used. For more details, see the controllers chapter.