Encoding in Views


Sometimes it is necessary to encode JSON API resources into an HTML document. For example, you might want to pre-load data into a page for your Javascript components to use. This package provides Blade helpers to do this, plus there are also instructions below on how to do this in regular PHP view files.


Choosing An Encoder

You can set the encoder to use with the @jsonapi directive. For example, @jsonapi('v1') will use an encoder from your JSON API named v1.

You can also configure the encoding options using the second argument, and the encoding depth using the third. The options and depth are identical to the options and depth passed to the native PHP json_encode() function. For example:

@jsonapi('v1', JSON_PRETTY_PRINT, 250)

Note that if you do not call the @jsonapi directive in your templates, then the default API will be used.

Encoding Data

To encode in Blade templates, use the @encode directive. For example:

@jsonapi('v1', JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)
<script type="application/vnd.api+json">

This will output:

<script type="application/vnd.api+json">
        "data": {
            "type": "posts",
            "id": "1",
            "attributes": {
                "content": "Hello World"
            "relationships": {
                "author": {
                    "data": {
                        "type": "users",
                        "id": "2"

The @encode directive takes two additional arguments - the include paths and the fields to encode. The include paths can be a string or an array of strings. The fields must be an array keyed by resource type, with the value being an array of fields to encode.

@jsonapi('v1', JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)
<script type="application/vnd.api+json">
    @encode($post, 'author', ['author' => ['name']])

This will output:

<script type="application/vnd.api+json">
        "data": {
            "type": "posts",
            "id": "1",
            "attributes": {
                "content": "Hello World"
            "relationships": {
                "author": {
                    "data": {
                        "type": "users",
                        "id": "2"
        "include": [
                "type": "users",
                "id": "2",
                "attributes": {
                    "name": "Frankie Manning"


If you are not using Blade, you can still use the same functionality in your PHP view scripts. To choose an encoder:

<?php app('json-api.renderer')->with('v1', JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); ?>

And then to encode data:

<?php echo app('json-api.renderer')->encode($post, 'author'); ?>